What would your life be like without bones? Could you walk? Could you stand? Could you even move?
Think about the different types of animals you have seen. Some animals do not have bones. These are called invertebrates. Invertebrates do not have a backbone to hold a skeleton in place. Vertebrates do have a back bone. You and I are vertebrates, so are most of the animals you see at the zoo. In groups of 2 -3 students, think about your favorite animals. Using your knowledge of vertebrates and invertebrates come up with two of each. You will be researching two different vertebrates and two different invertebrates using the websites provided.
Your project will include information about each animal. State whether the animal is a vertebrate or invertebrate, where each animal lives, how each animal moves, and what makes each animal different from each other. Collect pictures of each animal to use as a visual aid for your presentation. You will have a minimum of four PowerPoint slides. Each slide will be a different animal. Your information and your pictures of all four animals will make up most of each PowerPoint slide. You must follow the rules of the rubric to get full points. At the end of each days work, turn in what you did. I will give you feedback the next day on your information.
Vertebrates and Invertebrates This site will help you understand vertebrates and invertebrates a little better. It will also give you examples of each.
Kidport Animal Index - Invertebrates This site will help you find more examples of invertebrates.
Kidport Animal Index - Vertebrates This site will help you find more examples of vertebrates.
Pics 4 Learning - Animals This site will help you find pictures of both invertebrates and vertebrates.

Use this rubric to help follow my guidelines for the presentation.
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